General information on booking

We hope to meet you soon.

We prefer direct contact with our guests. That is why Romy & Johannes does not offer online booking. As soon as you contact us, we will suggest a common "online call" to talk about your possible stay at the guesthouse. After all, your holiday should be tailored to your needs. Because this is the only way to make it really fun.

If written confirmation is received more than 6 weeks prior to arrival, we are happy to receive a 50% deposit. If the confirmation takes place later, we look forward to a transfer of 100% of the total amount. With the deposit the booking is considered confirmed. The deposit can be paid by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro or bank transfer).

IT 88 X081 1258 4600 0030 0291 846
Swift code: RZSB IT 21 001

Cancellations are always stupid, for you and for us. But sometimes there's simply no other way. Our conditions are: up to 42 days before arrival no cancellation costs, up to 15 days before arrival 50% cancellation costs, from 14 days before arrival or early departure 100% of the arrangement will be charged. Therefore we recommend a travel cancellation insurance such as the Europäische Reiseversicherung.

To be honest: the longer you are here, the more you will get out of your well-deserved holiday. Do you have to go back to work? No, the Romy & Johannes Guesthouse is the ideal place for a "workation". Ok, there is really no other way? What a pity, come back soon. The minimum stay is 5 days.

Treat yourself to a little luxury. Romy & Johannes will organise for you on request: staff for the entire stay (cook, driver, cleaning, etc.), transfer service from the airport or train station of your choice, car rental, fresh food, exquisite wines, wellness services and equipment rental. And much more, just let us know.